Committed to the Environment

The Committed to the Environment award is issued by the International Charter to recognise companies that have a clear commitment to understanding their environmental impact and reducing it. These companies are leading the way in understanding their environmental impact and addressing it. If you would like more information on the programme, or to participate: request more information.

Current Participants


What is the aim of the programme?

The Committed to the Environment programme has two main aims. Firstly to recognise and reward companies that are leading the way in understanding and addressing their environmental impact.

Secondly, to establish a standard for environmental responsibility, encouraging companies through example to make similar efforts, and address their environmental impact in a realistic, forward thinking and sustainable way.

The assessment looks at the environmental history of a company; essentially previous targets and performance against them. Future goals; how they compare to others in the same sector and whether they are ambitious while remaining realistic, and most importantly achievable through the strategies that have been planned.
The award is renewed annually based on reported data and performance against the goals.
While carbon emissions are a key factor, they are only one aspect of the environmental impact of most companies. The award aims to encompass the entire sphere of environmental impact created by the operation of the company. For each company this will be different, affected by a diverse range of issues, such as the product or region of operation. 

What information is used and how is it collected?

Information is gathered from the public domain, primarily from CSR and Environmental Sustainability reports issued by the company. We also collect information from a number of public databases. In some instances the data required may not be available or reliable, in such events we work with the company to obtain the relevant and accurate data. 

More information....

If you would like more information on the programme, or to participate: request more information.